An outstanding performance: After only 100 days of operation, "Eleftherios Venizelos" wins the title of the best "touristic" airport in Europe

"The operation of "Eleftherios Venizelos" airport is proceeding very successfully. The initial problems of the first days have been quickly overcome, and the new airport is gaining the public's recognition day after day". This is what the Chief Executive Officer of Athens International Airport S.A.", Dr. Matthias Mitscherlich, pointed out, following the airport's first 100 days of operation. As Dr. Mitscherlich continues, "We are proud that our customers, the airlines and their passengers, are already acknowledging our efforts".

Following an independent research carried out at 15 European "touristic" airports, last week the Athens International Airport won the first place. The research team were particularly impressed by the functionality of the airport's check-in area, its organization, the efficiency of the airport staff, the diversity of stores at the airport's shopping area, the dining facilities, and, last but not least, the airport's cleanliness.

The Athens International Airport, built in the record-time of 51 months, commenced its operation on March 28th, following a 5-month test & trials period. By the month of April, a total of 1,150,000 passengers had already been serviced, exceeding the provisions of the Airport Company's Business Plan by 13%, whereas, on a single day in June, the airport beat a record of 617 flight movements.

The airport's performance is positive also on international level. Whilst the number of passengers was decreased by 3% at the other European airports, "Eleftherios Venizelos", only 3 months after opening, is one step away from its goal in view of the Olympic Games of 2004: to handle a total of 16 million passengers per year. During the first 100 days of operation, 47,000 landings and take-offs were handled (35,500 intra-Schengen, and 11,500 extra-Schengen flights), whereas international traffic alone during the same period exceeded 2 million passengers.

The expectations of the Management and the Shareholders of "Eleftherios Venizelos" - 55% State-owned - is for the new airport to enhance the country's positive image and boost the Greek tourism drastically.

Preliminary Traffic Data up to 24.06.01
International traffic 01.04 - 24.06.01
Compared to 2000
Traffic April - May 2001
Compared to AIA's Business Plan
Flights of international airlines
Compared to 2000