SOS Children's Village of Vari at "Eleftherios Venizelos" Airport
It is a great pleasure for the Athens International Airport to welcome tomorrow, Thursday, December 13th, at 09:30 hrs., thirty children from the SOS Children's Village of Vari, and give them a taste of the day-to-day activity at the new airport of Athens, within the framework of AIA's Visitors Service.
The children, aged between 4 - 15, will be guided through the Airport's Main Terminal Building, and get acquainted with the airport facilities and their operation. The walk-through will start from the check-in area, the security checkpoints and the Terminal's concessionaire area, and will end with a visit at the meteorological office and the baggage handling system of the airport.
The children will then visit the Main Fire Rescue Station of the Airport, and attend a presentation of the Airport Fire Brigade activities by an officer of the Hellenic Fire Corps. An impressive display of the capabilities of the Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting vehicles will follow.
After the guided tour through the facilities of the Athens International Airport, the children will have a light lunch and refreshments, kindly offered by Louis Sbarro restaurant. Santa Claus will also be there to offer his Christmas presents to the children. Lastly, within the framework of its support to the SOS Children's Village of Vari, Louis Sbarro will offer a colour television set to the representatives of the SOS Villages.
It is a great pleasure for the Athens International Airport to welcome the children of the SOS Village of Vari at its premises tomorrow. The Airport is happy to contribute in its own way to the valuable efforts of the SOS Children's Villages, aimed at the continuous education and development of the children, preparing them for their full social and professional integration.
On this special occasion, the Athens International Airport would like to invite the Press to join us in the programme we have prepared with special care for the children of the SOS Village of Vari (Thursday, December 13th, 09:30-12:30). It is our belief that, in this way, we are offering the children a pleasant and constructive experience.