Water at "Eleftherios Venizelos" is absolutely safe

The Athens International Airport is carrying out regular tests of the quality of the water, in order to safeguard the health of the airport's employees, passengers and visitors. At the end of June, we received some conflicting water examination results, which were a possible indication that the quality of the water was not the expected one. For this reason, as a precaution, we proceeded with announcements to the airport community, recommending that the use of water (drinking, preparation of foodstuffs) be avoided, until we have ascertained that the water is appropriate for such use.

At the same time, we changed the water distribution system, and initiated a very close and positive cooperation with EYDAP, the competent state authority monitoring the quality of water. On July 10th, EYDAP confirmed that water at the airport is potable. All airport users were immediately informed, whereas water fountains are operation.