A children's book 'travels' at Athens International Airport on May 11th

Within the framework of its cultural and social responsibility initiatives programme, Athens International Airport is embracing one more cultural activity for children. This time, the airport invites young book lovers to a special ‘literary journey’ at the airport, a place where people and cultures are connected every day.

On Wednesday, May 11th, at 18:30 hrs., Athens International Airport hosts the presentation of the children’s book ‘A kiss travels’, in cooperation with Papadopoulos Publications. The presentation will be made by the authors A. Markopoulou and K. Koufopoulou and music artist Vassilis Panopoulos, at the airport’s Main Terminal Building / Departures Level (Entrance 2).

For your participation, please contact:

210 3537226 (Athens International Airport S.A. / Public Relations)
210 2816134 (Papadopoulos Publications)

Note: The presentation of the book “A kiss travels” is the first of a series of activities for children, organized in 2005 by Athens International Airport in cooperation with Papadopoulos Publications.


Athens International Airport & Children

Athens International Airport is a lot more than a state-of-the-art infrastructure offering first-rate services to passengers and aircraft. The Airport is a community of people, actively and responsibly participating in social developments.

Within the framework of its multiple cultural and social responsibility activities, Athens International Airport places a special focus on children. Among our initiatives undertaken with special care for children:

Children's Creative Entertainment Area:
In February 2002, Athens International Airport, in cooperation with the association "The Smile of the Child", created a friendly and safe area for the creative entertainment of young passengers, in the Main Terminal Building / Departures Level. In this special area, which is open daily between 09:00 and 21:00, specialized child minders have so far welcomed more than 15,000 children from across the world.

Since its opening, Athens International Airport consistently supports its young neighbours from the surrounding Messogia area. Equipment, PCs and printers, stationery, laboratory material, athletic gear etc. are offered to schools in the neighbouring Municipalities of Artemis, Spata, Koropi, Rafina, Marcopoulo and Paiania.


  • "Connecting the world...through children's paintings!"- Children's paintings at Athens International Airport in cooperation with the Association "The Smile of the Child": Seventy artworks of children from all over the world, who visited our "Children's Creative Entertainment Area", on display at the Main Terminal Building (July-October 2004).
  • "Children paint Greece": Prize-winning artwork from the Pan-hellenic Contests of Children's Drawing and the 'Cycles of Artistic Experiences' of the Museum of Greek Children's Art, on display in the Main Terminal Building (May-September 2003).
  •  "Games and Reality": Photographic exhibition at the airport, in cooperation with "Medecins sans frontieres", with theme children living in regions experiencing warfare (July-August 2003)

Within the framework of its aim to support educational activities, Athens International Airport's Visitors' Service has so far welcomed and offered airport tours to 24,000 pupils and students from 419 schools and universities, as well as to 500 children with special needs.

Some of the sponsoring and other support initiatives of Athens International Airport:

  • Sponsor in the "Spring Campaign" of the Hellenic Society for Disabled Children (ELEPAP) - Sunday, May 15th, 2005
  • "The Smile of the Child" - AIA supports the association in its efforts against child abuse (December 2004).
  • Children's SOS Villages/Greece - Athens International Airport sponsored two performances of the play "The Dragon" of E. Schwartz, performed by the children's theatrical team of the SOS Village of Vari (Μay 2002).
  • ActionAid - for the children of the 3rd world (December 2003).
  •  AIA sponsored the 1st Greek publication of "Europa Diary" of Generation Europe (publication for the young providing information on European and other contemporary issues), which was distributed to the High Schools and Lyceums of the surrounding Messogia area (Οctober 2001).