Inaugural ceremony - New route Athens-Dubai-Bejiing / Air China
29.11.2007, 06:23 hrs First arrival in Athens of Air China, Flight 943 from Beijing | Welcome at Athens | From Air China’s welcome at Athens International Airport | The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Athens International Airport, Professor Kostis Vaitsos, at the podium | Athens International Airport CEO, Dr. Yiannis Paraschis, welcomes Air China |
The President of Air China, Mr. Li Jiaxiang at the podium | Greek Transport and Communications Minister, Mr. Kostis Hatzidakis, during the inaugural ceremony | The airport’s traditional “ribbon bonding”: The President of Air China, Mr. Li Jianxiang, and Athens International Airport CEO Dr. Yiannis Paraschis, symbolically “bond” the new route with the airport | From the inaugural ceremony | First departure: Athens International Airport salutes Air China Boeing 767-200 with the traditional water archway |