Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Athens International Airport S.A.
Upon motion of the Board of Directors and in accordance with Laws 2338/95 on the Ratification of the Airport Development Agreement and 2190/1920 on Sociétés Anonymes as amended, and the Articles of Association of the Company, the Shareholders of the société anonyme “ATHENS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT S.A.” are invited to the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 26.06.2014, day of the week Thursday, at 9:00 a.m., to be held at the premises of the Company at Spata, Administration Building (17), to discuss and decide on the following items of the agenda:
1. Submission and approval of the Financial Statements for the eighteenth corporate fiscal year 2013 (1.1.2013-31.12.2013) with the attached thereto Report of the Board of Directors;
2. Appropriation of profits;
3. Approval of the actions and decisions of the Board of Directors during the corporate fiscal year 2013;
4. Release of the Board of Directors and the Auditors from any responsibility for the corporate fiscal year 2013;
5. Approval of the remuneration paid to the Members of the Board of Directors during the corporate fiscal year 2013;
6. Determination of the remuneration to be paid to the Members of the Board of Directors during the corporate fiscal year 2014;
7. Election of Auditing Company for the corporate fiscal year 2014 and determination of its remuneration;
8. Miscellaneous.
In accordance with Article 18 of the Company’s Articles of Association, the Shareholders wishing to participate in the Ordinary Annual General Meeting of Shareholders are not obliged to deposit their shares at the Company’s treasury etc, but must render their documents of standing and/or representation at the premises of the Company, at least 48 hours before the General Meeting is convened.
Spata, 30.04.2014
General Electronic Commercial Reg. (G.E.MI.) No.: 2229601000