While passenger traffic continues its recovery trend, Athens International Airport further enhances its Incentives policy for the airlines. Developmental and Targeted incentives for the summer period

Despite the clear signs of traffic stabilization and recovery which started as of the second semester of 2013, the double-digit increase of foreign passengers traveling to Athens during the last months, and the overall extremely favourable trends for 2014, Athens International Airport not only continues to provide substantial incentives for the forthcoming summer period, but further supports its airline-partners putting a great emphasis on assisting them with their developmental plans to/from Athens.

The 4 incentives (Sustainability, Transfer, Load Factor, and Niche Routes) for the summer period (April – October 2014) offer significant discounts reaching up to 80% on the airport’s aeronautical charges. At the same time, AIA’s traditional developmental incentives scheme continues.

AIA’s incentives for the summer period 2014 are:

Sustainability Incentive
10% discount on landing and parking charges per flight

In order to encourage airlines to sustain their operations, this incentive offers a 10% discount on landing & parking charges per route, per airline, provided that the number of flights will be at last year’s level or at least will not drop below -1%. In the case of any positive percentage variance, the existing AIA annual incentive scheme will apply automatically.  

Transfer Incentive
Ranging from 5€ to 15€ per transfer passenger

Aiming at maintaining the level of transfer traffic via Athens, this incentive offers all airlines a fixed return amount per departing transfer passenger during the summer period (ranging from 5 to 15 euros per passenger).

Load Factor Incentive
10€ per exceeding passenger

In addition to the above, AIA, aiming at supporting airlines’ load factors and encouraging them to increase their traffic out of Athens, offers a fixed return amount of 10 euros per additional passenger to those carriers that will exceed load factors of 80%, provided that eligible airlines will not demonstrate a decline in the total number of frequencies and capacity, compared to the previous respective season.

Niche Route Incentive
Ranging from 5€ to 10 € per passenger

In order to stimulate additional traffic and attract new direct services from niche markets that are currently not operated to/from Athens, AIA offers the existing applicable “New International Route Incentive” plus a fixed return amount per departing passenger (from 5 to 10 euros).