“The Digital Gate II”: One step left for the completion of Athens International Airport’s 2nd innovation and youth entrepreneurship competition!

The 3rd and final phase of “The Digital Gate ΙΙ” -Athens International Airport’s innovation and youth entrepreneurship competition organized with the support of the Athens Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the Athens University of Economics and Business- has been successfully completed.
Eight teams participated in the 3rd phase of the competition, having completed the development of their MVPs (minimum viable product) under the guidance of experienced airport executives while, during the last stage, teams were presented with the opportunity to test and evaluate their ideas in a real environment.
The final presentations of the 8 entrepreneurial ideas were held during a special event at the airport, their potential future implementation location. The evaluation committee of senior airport and market executives, chose the best proposals based on their value for the airport, their innovation and sustainability, and their feasibility within the airport environment. The overall presentation and progress within the course of the competition were also evaluated.
It is noteworthy that, during the final presentations of the pilot ideas, among the evaluation committee members were representatives of the UniFund investment scheme. Unifund is one of two funds created in the context of Equifund’s Innovation Window.
The evaluation’s results and competition winners will be announced in a special event which will take place in January 2018. 
You may find the teams of the final stage in the following link or by scanning the corresponding QR via your mobile device. https://thedigitalgate.gr/dgiipilots/
Additional Information: 
Athens Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation
of Athens University of Economics and Business
tel: +30 210 8203827
AIA Press Office
tel: +30 210 3537227
e-mail: [email protected]