European Commission and AIA co-fund project for the Athens International Airport: “AIA’s evolution into a high-performing node within the European Air Traffic Management network”

The European Commission has approved co-funding Athens International Airport S.A. (AIA) for the implementation of the “Evolution into a high-performing node within the European Air Traffic Management Network”
It is the first time that a Greek airport is being selected by the EU under the programme of “Connecting Europe Facility – Transport Sector” (Action no 2017-EL-TM-0158-W), which concerns EU's priority for the creation of the “Single European Sky” (SESAR). 
The objective of this grant is to enable Athens Airport to develop and implement new and advanced concepts for airport operations, airport resources management and information sharing in order to enhance its operational efficiency in the serving of the traffic and make optimum use of the available capacity on ground and in the air. Operational information from all collaborating parties will be integrated and made available to all stakeholders in real time as well as ex post (in reports), while new functionalities will be implemented, in line with the emerging airport needs and the latest international airports trends and best practices, thus addressing the increasing operational and quality standards of AIA. 
The Programme will be implemented through six interrelated projects extending over a five-year period (2019-2023).
Expected benefits for passengers, AIA, the airport community, the Mesogaia region and the Hellenic economy include reductions of flight delays, taxi-out time savings, reduction of the environmental footprint (fuel consumption and reduction of CO2 emissions), increased operational predictability and improved overall passenger experience. 
Alexandros Aravanis, Chief Operations Officer at Athens International Airport, stated on the occasion of the signing of the grant agreement, that: "The implementation of this programme is fully in line with AIA’s strategy to create Sustainable Development conditions and for the operation of the airport as a responsible operator and prudent manager and stakeholder. It will result in an improved efficiency of the Airport Community, with beneficial effects and positive impacts on increasing the overall efficiency/performance of the European Air Traffic Management Network."