Sounds Greek to me! Christmas traditions from Alexandroupolis at the Athens airport! December 23rd & 24th
This Christmas, the city of Alexandroupolis is the 11th destination of the Athens International Airport’s programme “Fly me to the Moon-Sounds Greek to Me!” The programme continues Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th with more images of Greece; this time, the Christmas tradition of "Pourpouris" and special festive activities from Thrace will welcome the passengers and visitors of the Athens International Airport, on a day dedicated to the local cultural and gastronomic tradition.
"Pourpouris", in his Dionysus’s costume, will be there to protect from wintertime and evil, and "Kortopoula", a symbol of fertility, will bring the spring season. Together, they will invite travellers to an unforgettable festive, singing and dancing experience. Cultural Associations of Alexandroupolis will lead a line dance in traditional costumes and sing the Christmas carols.
Through VR technology, the public will have a spectacular virtual view of Alexandroupolis, and its historic lighthouse, while enjoying an unforgettable “boating experience” in the Evros Delta. Travellers of the day will also have the chance to taste popular Christmas recipes from the region of Alexandroupolis.
Sounds Greek to me at Athens International Airport!
11th destination: Alexandroupolis
December 23rd & 24th, 2019
Departures’ Level - Entrance 3 - All Users Area
Hours: 12:00 - 16:00
Greece at the airport
The airport’s "Fly me to the moon” this year “unfolds” the natural beauty of Greece, the cultural identity, the gastronomy, the customs, the traditions, and the special character of each region. Our passengers and visitors will be enjoying these “journeys”, together with local representatives, and the people of our country’s “guest of honour” regions.
The programme:
- July 2018 – Central Greece
- September 2018 – Chania
- October 2018 – Epirus
- December 2018 – Northern Greece
- March 2019 – Skyros
- March 2019 – South Aegean
- April 2019 – South Kynouria
- July 2019 – Kastellorizo
- September 2019 – Prespes
- November 2019 – Arta
- December 2019 - Alexandroupoli
"Fly me to the Moon" is a joint cooperation between Athens International Airport and elculture cultural platform which takes place for sixth consecutive years. For more information please visit and
tel: +30 210 6430683 / 6976 597 444
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