EU Co-funded programmes
EU Co-funded programmes
The HECTOR project aims at creating a holistic approach towards the protection of tourism infrastructure throughout Europe. The Project will include actions deriving from the cooperation between the private and public sectors, such as in the case of Standard Operating Procedures, Recommendations, Guidelines, Tools, Management Protocols and good practices at all levels of safety and security for voluntary or involuntary threat incidents. Merging the elements of specific experience and expertise from several stakeholders (LEAs, municipalities, academia, tourism entities, etc.), with the ΕU’s strategic priorities on the protection of public spaces but also with the EU-developed tools, methods and recommendations, is of paramount value and importance. AIA’s role in the HECTOR Project highlights its commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology and best practices in security to ensure the safety of all its stakeholders.
Duration of the project: 1/12/2023 - 30/11/2025
More info @ https://www.linkedin.com/company/hector-isf/about/
Co-funded by the Internal Security Fund (ISF)
CyberSecDome is an innovative Virtual reality-based approach to intrusion detection, incident investigation and response aimed at enhancing the resilience, security, privacy, and accountability of complex and heterogeneous digital systems and infrastructures. The project will explore AI-enabled security solutions to provide better predictions of cybersecurity threats and associated risks towards an efficient and dynamic incident management and optimise the collaborative response of the stakeholders within the Digital Infrastructure ecosystem.
CyberSecDome project is a collaboration of 16 organisations from 6 EU member states (Italy, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Greece, Cyprus) and 2 affiliated countries (United Kingdom, Switzerland). Specifically, it includes 5 industrial partners, 6 scientific members, and 5 small and medium-sized enterprises.
Duration of the project: 1/9/2023 - 31/8/2026
More info @ https://cybersecdome.eu/
Co-funded under Horizon Europe Programme
Future dAta Services and applicaTions for airports and Network (FASTNet) is a fast-track project of the SESAR 3 JU Digital European Sky research and innovation programme. It brings together key stakeholders (airport operators, network manager (NM) and airlines as airspace users, with the aim at enhancing collaborative data exchange at the local airport level and simultaneously improving the communication links between airports and the European Air Traffic Management Network (EATMN).
FASTNet is structured around two solutions:
- FASTNet solution 1, which is led by Athens International Airport, introduces the collaboration and coordination between airports directly, in the tactical phase of operations, ensuring an optimal traffic Demand and Capacity Balancing (DCB), prior to the coordination with the Network Manager. The aim is to ensure that airport pairs (origin-destination airports) play an active role in the overall Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) process.
- FASTNet Solution 2 enhances the information exchange between airports and the Network Manager in the strategic and pre-tactical phase of operations.
Duration of the project: 1/6/2023 - 31/5/2026
More info @ https://www.sesarju.eu/projects/FASTnet
Co-funded under HORIZON - JU Innovation Actions – SESAR
JUST A RATHER VERY INTELLIGENT SYSTEM (JARVIS) aims at developing and validating three ATM solutions: an Airborne Digital Assistant, an Air Traffic Control Digital Assistant, and an Airport Digital Assistant. Athens International Airport leads the third solution on developing an Airport Digital Assistant.
This solution is AI- based and directly impacts aviation safety and operational efficiency at airports. Computer vision supports airport operators in detecting runway intrusions and in avoiding risks of collisions, while also contributes to the calculation of aircraft turnaround processes and passenger flows. AI- enabled Digital Assistant will provide an alert system, helping to take appropriate mitigation actions and achieve a more predictable airport operations plan.
Duration of the project: 1/6/2023 - 31/5/2026
More info @ https://www.linkedin.com/company/jarvisproject/
Co-funded under HORIZON - JU Innovation Actions – SESAR
The ATHENIAN project aims at developing an integrated Airspace Performance Based Navigation (PBN) concept for the airspace “Athinai” TMA (Terminal Maneuvering Area) airspace and integrally redesigning the TMA departure and arrival procedures from/to Athens International Airport. The project’s main objective is to optimise TMA airspace operations, increasing flight efficiency and capacity, as well as cost efficiency and reducing noise footprint and emissions.
Duration of the project: 19/1/2023 - 18/12/2027
More info @ EU Funding & Tenders Portal | EU Funding & Tenders Portal (europa.eu)
Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union
Clean ATM is a SESAR Deployment Programme 2022 which focuses on key technological tools in most urgent need to be deployed, to ensure the overall efficiency and environmental sustainability of Air Traffic Management in Europe.
Coordinated by the SESAR Deployment Manager, the CLEAN ATM project push forward the pan-European adoption of key CP1 elements such as a) an Extended Airport Operations Plan that allows the major European hubs to reduce congestion, delays and unnecessary carbon and noise emissions in their day-to-day operations and b) the Free Route Airspace, an operational concept that allows aircraft to fly more direct routes when crossing the European skies towards their destination.
Athens International Airport will participate as an airport operational stakeholder in two subprojects: BEACON and ACADIA. AIA aims at achieving an Extended AOP implementation and becoming fully integrated with NOP, through a common and collaboratively agreed plan, at local and network level.
Duration of the project: 19/1/2023 - 18/12/2027
Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union
PISTIS is a European funded project that aims at developing a platform for the sharing/trading datasets and their commercialisation for secure, reliable and controlled exchange and usage of proprietary data assets and data-driven intelligence.
The Mobility and urban planning demonstration project (Hub #1), led by AIA will focus on facilitating data trading and exchange amongst stakeholders of different sectors (aviation, public transport, public administration) which can be considered as key actors in a value chain that can be built around mobility and urban planning data.
In this demonstration project, such actors are already collaborating, however not in the frame of an integrated value chain whose exploitation can lead to significant benefits for all, and generate new revenue streams, both within the value chain, and with external actors that can make use of the information.
More specifically, the demonstration project includes AIA (Athens International Airport), GOLDAIR (Ground Handling Service Provider), OASA (Athens Urban Transport Organization, including bus and metro lines) and DAEM (City of Athens IT Company), that act as data users and/or providers depending on the use case. Data coming from OAG (aviation data marketplace), as well as weather data from UBIMET, that act as data brokers, will be also leveraged.
Duration of the project: 1/1/2023 - 30/6/2026
More info @ Homepage - PISTIS (pistis-project.eu)
Co-funded under Horizon Europe Programme
In January 2023, Athens International Airport joined a consortium of 23 partners from 6 different countries (Italy, Greece, Spain, Romania, Belgium, and the UK) in a project entitled TrialsNet (TRials Supported by Smart Networks Beyond 5G).
The TrialsNet vision is to enable the realization of compelling societal values through the implementation of 5G and beyond applications, which will be preparatory to the transition towards the next generation of mobile networks. Based on this, TrialsNet will deploy full-scale trials to implement a heterogenous and comprehensive set of innovative 6G applications based on various technologies such as Cobots, Metaverse, massive twinning, Internet of Senses, and others, covering the three relevant domains of the urban ecosystems in Europe identified as i) Infrastructure, Transportation, Security & Safety, ii) eHealth & Emergency, and iii) Culture, Tourism and Entertainment”.
AIA is particularly interested in addressing the challenge of protecting and safeguarding the lives and safety of the tens of thousands of passengers using the airport every day, as well as ensuring their enhanced experience. To this end, the results of the TrialsNet project will provide:
- a solution for proactive infrastructure management i.e. real-time virtual representation of infrastructures in real time through digital twin environments, live bilateral communication with employees, and alerts in case of predicted failures and security breaches;
- a solution for autonomous and optimal operations in APRON through robots, artificial intelligence (VR), etc.; and
- service robots for enhanced passenger experience and personalised services throughout their journey.
Duration of the project: 1/1/2023 - 31/12/2025
More info @ https://trialsnet.eu/
Co-funded under Horizon Europe Programme
Athens International Airport joined a consortium of 20 organizations from 9 different countries in a project entitled ALBATROS. This Horizon Innovation Action aims at creating a concept for the real-time exchange of safety information on aviation safety to improve the sustainability of passengers, cabin crew, aircraft and infrastructure. To this end, the Consortium shall take into account new risks and technologies that may affect current and future aviation operations.
For 4 years, the “ALBATROS” project will examine risks related to aviation and new types of aircraft technology. In this context, the impact of climate change on airports and the risks associated with new aviation fuels and energy sources (e.g., electric power trains and hydrogen-powered aircraft), including cybersecurity incidents will be examined. The research will be developed in parallel with the proposals for decisive solutions to increase overall civil aviation safety, encompassing passengers, aircraft, and airport infrastructures.
AIA, as an airport operator, will contribute to all the concept actions and will make its infrastructure available to demonstrate and evaluate the outputs of the research project.
Duration of the project: 1/10/2022 - 30/9/2026
More info @ https://www.albatros-horizon.eu/
Co-funded under Horizon Europe Programme
EU-CIP is an EU-funded project under Horizon Europe (GA ID: 101073878) which brings together 20 partners under the coordination of Engineering Spa to establish a novel pan-European knowledge network for Resilient Infrastructure.
EU-CIP will thus enable policy makers to shape and produce data-driven evidence-based policies, while boosting the innovation capacity of Critical Infrastructure (CI) operators, authorities, and innovation agencies (including SMEs). In this direction, EU-CIP partners have already established the European Cluster for Securing Critical infrastructures (ECSCI), which brings together 31 projects that collaborate in Critical Infrastructure CI Resilience.
EU-CIP will leverage the achievements of the ECSCI cluster to establish an EU-wide knowledge network with advanced analytical and innovation support capabilities.
Athens International Airport will contribute to the project activities as an air transport operator and authority. In this capacity, it will support information data collection, information analysis and ecosystem building activities.
Duration of the project: 1/10/2022 - 30/9/2025
More info @ https://www.eucip.eu/
Co-funded under Horizon Europe Programme
Athens International Airport has joined a consortium of 18 organizations from 7 different countries in a project entitled FORFREIGHT - Flexible, Multimοdal and Robust Freight Transport.
The primary objective of the project is to optimise the utilization of multimodal freight transport capacity and reduce the average cost of freight transport. To achieve this, the project aims at developing innovative solutions that will enhance the management of flows at airports, ports, inland terminals and other logistics nodes, ultimately resulting in more efficient freight transport.
The benefits envisaged include:
- Real-time Cargo location and status monitoring (temperature, humidity, etc.)
- Realistic and accurate forecast of arrival time to all intermediate points
- Reduction of delivery times through the better coordination of intermediate operators' systems
- Recommendations from the Decision Support System (DSS) regarding the necessary resources (staff, equipment, vehicles, storage facilities etc.) at all intermediate points
AIA will offer the expertise and an operational airport environment conduct the real-world testing. It will facilitate the provision of the Greek Use Case partners requirements for the development of the project tools and methods and will contribute to the design and implementation of the related validation scenarios. Finally, AIA will evaluate the results of the validation scenarios and confirm the outcomes of the project.
Duration of the project: 1/9/2022 - 31/12/2025
More info @ Home - FOR FREIGHT (for-freight.eu)
Co-funded under Horizon Europe Programme
Athens International Airport has joined a consortium of 22 partners in a project entitled STARGATE: SusTainable AiRports, the Green heArT of Europe. The project aims at supporting the European Green Deal and reduce aviation carbon emissions, as well as its overall environmental impact. In parallel, AIA will be able to promote its ambitious environmental agenda, in particular its efforts to zero carbon footprint from its operations as reflected in its Route 2025 initiative, and to engage other members of the airport community in this direction to create a climate-sustainable situation.
Duration of the project: 1/11/2021 - 31/10/2026
More info @ https://www.greendealstargate.eu
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
Athens International Airport joined a consortium of 40 partners from 11 different countries in a project entitled PRECINCT - Preparedness and Resilience Enforcement for Critical INfrastructure Cascading Cyberphysical Threats and effects with focus on the protection of a district or regional from cyber attacks.
The PRECINCT project aims at interconnecting Critical Infrastructure (CI) in a geographical area with a common approach to cyber-physical security management, which will contribute to the creation of a protected area for citizens and infrastructures, a “PRECINCT” that can be efficiently replicated for a safer Europe.
AIA will test and evaluate the PRECINCT platform in terms of increasing the resilience of interconnected CIs. The test scenarios include the metro and Attiki Odos highway connecting AIA with the Athens Metropolitan area (railway and road network along the route between AIA and Attiki Odos, as well as along the suburban rail network).
Duration of the project: 1/10/2021 - 30/9/2023
More info @ https://www.precinct.info/en
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
Athens International Airport has actively participated in the BRIDGES H2020 project since its official start in October 2020.
The BRIDGES project, a hyBRID (physical-diGital) multi-user Extended reality platform as a stimulus for industry uptake of interactive technologieS, proposes to bring to market a holistic solution for group interaction (remote and collaborative) in room-scale immersive eXtended Reality (XR) environments combining physical and virtual space.
The project will carry out extensive and comprehensive studies to validate the proposed solution in realistic operational conditions, focusing and piloting in the areas of industrial training and informal learning/education. The project will validate its outcome with real world settings of two major international airports in Germany (Berlin) and Greece (AIA) for firefighter training. AIA will test and demonstrate the effectiveness of the pilot concept for Rescue & Firefighting Services (RFFS).
Duration of the project: 1/10/2020 - 31/3/2023
More info @ BRIDGES H2020 European project | Bridges Horizon EU (bridges-horizon.eu)
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
Athens International Airport has actively participated in the FORESIGHT EU project since its official start in October 2019. The FORESIGHT project aims at developing a federated cyber-range solution to enhance the preparedness of cybersecurity professionals at all levels and advance their skills to prevent, detect, respond and to mitigate sophisticated cyber attacks. This is achieved by providing an ecosystem of networked realistic training and simulation platforms that collaboratively bring together unique aspects of cyber security from aviation, smart grid electricity distribution and maritime domains.
Athens International Airport, as a key partner, will contribute to the design and implementation of the information security related validation scenarios and will evaluate the tools and methods developed throughout the FORESIGHT project.
Duration of the project: 1/9/2019 - 31/3/2023
More info @ https://foresight-h2020.eu/
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
Athens International Airport has actively participated in the 5G-TOURS EU project since its official start in June 2019. The project will deploy full-scale trials to bring 5G to real users for thirteen representative use cases.
The project will provide efficient and reliable services, which are largely close to the commercial stage, for tourists, citizens and patients in three different types of cities:
- Rennes, the safe city where eHealth use cases will be demonstrated;
- Turin, the touristic city, focusing on media and broadcast use cases;
- Athens, the mobility-efficient city that brings 5G to users in motion as well as to transport-related service providers.
AIA is leading two use cases. A use case for airport evacuation and live video streams from Cameras installed on AIA’s Follow-Me Vehicles, giving a live view of the runway to the control centre, and is participating in the smart parking management use case.
Duration of the project: 1/6/2019 - 31/7/2022
More info @ https://5gtours.eu/
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
Athens International Airport has joined a consortium of 18 organizations from 10 different countries in a project entitled SATIE - Security of Air Transport Infrastructure of Europe. SATIE aims at improving the cyber and physical security resilience of European airports. The project adopts a holistic approach to prevent, detect, respond and mitigate threats at airports, while guaranteeing the protection of critical systems, sensitive data and passengers.
The proposed solution combines an interoperable toolkit that improves cyber-physical correlations of security incidents, forensics investigations and dynamic impact assessment and has the ability to counteract new, complex cyber-physical threats that airports are currently facing. Finally, SATIE paves the way for a new generation of Security Operations Centre (SOC) to be included in a comprehensive airport security policy. The applicability of the project’s results in realistic scenarios have been validated through three demonstrations held at various airports in Europe (Croatia, Italy and Greece).
Duration of the project: 1/5/2019 - 31/10/2021
More info @ https://satie-h2020.eu/
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
The European Commission has approved co-funding Athens International Airport S.A. (AIA) for the implementation of the “Evolution into a high-performing node within the European Air Traffic Management Network”. It is the first time that a Greek airport is selected by the EU under the programme of “Connecting Europe Facility – Transport Sector” (Action no 2017-EL-TM-0158-W), which concerns EU's priority for the creation of the “Single European Sky” (SESAR).
The objective of this grant is to enable Athens International Airport to develop and implement new advanced concepts for airport operations, airport resources management and information sharing with the aim at enhancing operational efficiency in the handling of the air traffic and make optimum use of the available capacity on ground and in the air. Operational information from all collaborating parties will be integrated and made available to all stakeholders in real time as well as ex post (in reports), while new functionalities will be implemented, in line with the emerging airport needs and the latest international airports trends and best practices, thus addressing the increasing operational and quality standards of Athens International Airport.
The Programme will be implemented through six interrelated projects. The expected benefits for passengers, Athens International Airport, the airport community, the Mesogaia region and the Hellenic economy include reductions of flight delays, taxi-out time savings, reduction of the environmental footprint (reduction in fuel consumption and of CO2 emissions), increased operational predictability, as well as improved overall passenger experience. Furthermore, the implementation of this programme will contribute to enhance the overall efficiency/performance of the European Air Traffic Management Network.
Duration of the project: 1/2/2019 - 27/12/2024
Co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Union
Athens International Airport has actively participated in the ICARUS EU project since January 2018. ICARUS aims at creating a novel framework and architecture that leverages data from diverse sources which is primarily or secondarily related to the aviation to help companies and organisations whose operations are directly or indirectly linked to aviation gain a deeper insight into features of flights, airports and passengers and to improve their operations.
Sophisticated Passenger Handling Procedures and personalised services on ground facilities will be implemented by Athens Airport.
Duration of the project: 1/1/2018 - 30/6/2021
More info @ https://www.icarus2020.aero
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
Athens International Airport participates in the European project CHARIOT (Horizon 2020) for the promotion of Confidentiality and of Security and Safety of Internet of Things (IoT) Systems, initiated in January 2018. CHARIOT will contribute to the advancement of cutting-edge technology by providing a design method and a cognitive computing platform that will support a unified approach to Privacy and Security of IoT Systems. This approach and platform place devices and equipment at the core of trust, in turn contributing to high security and integrity of IoT systems.
AIA’s role is to coordinate all activities towards the implementation of Living Lab 3 (LL3). LL3 aims at addressing the security of ΑΙΑ’s Infrastructure, by enhancing the protection of its facilities from physical and cyber threats. To achieve this, CHARIOT will enhance the airports capacity for timely detection and even prediction of hazardous situations, along with reducing false alarms that disrupt airport operations.
Duration of the project: 1/1/2018 - 31/12/2020
More info @ www.chariotproject.eu
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
Athens International Airport has actively participated in the EU Transforming Transport (TT) project since its official start in January 2017. The project will present in a realistic, measurable, and replicable way transformations that Big Data will bring about in the transport and supply chain markets.
AIA holds a key role in the pilot sub-project “Efficient Air Transport”, which aims at optimising Operations Management. The use of Big Data technologies will identify passengers’ behavioural patterns, predicting their arrival at the airport and the way through which they will pass through the terminal, helping to identify the required airport resources and infrastructure in critical areas at all times and reducing operational costs.
Duration of the project: 1/1/2017 - 31/7/2019
More info @ https://www.transformingtransport.eu/
Co-funded under Horizon 2020 Programme
eVACUATE is a European Commission FP5 project which aims at developing a holistic, scenario-independent, situational awareness and guidance system to maintain an Active Evacuation Route for large crowds. A service-oriented Decision Support System is developed to dynamically distribute on-demand evacuation information to emergency management agencies as the crisis evolves. In eVACUATE, the intelligent fusion of sensors, geospatial and correlated information, with advanced multiple detection and crowd behaviour recognition is developed. Smart spaces of electronic, headsets and other mobile devices are connected to the integrated system to provide safer evacuation routes for people.
Duration of the project: 1/4/2013 - 21/5/2017
Co-funded under Framework Programme 5
EUROSKY is a European Commission FP7 project which aims at providing a high-impact programme for advanced air-cargo security and facilitation measures to safeguard international supply chains and the safety of citizens, while fostering international cooperation and a broad stakeholder engagement from all parts of the air transport industry.
Duration of the project: 1/5/2013 - 30/4/2017
Co-funded under Framework Programme 7
INTERACTION is a European Commission FP7 project which aims at proposing new procedures, technologies and tools for enhancing in terms of time the airport operations taking place from arrival to take-off of the aircraft, by seeking improvements in each sub-process individually, as well as an overall coordinated way with common goals, such as minimising the global turnaround time and reducing the effects of perturbations that may appear in any of the airport sub-processes during turnaround. This research extends on the ground part the existing concepts developed for airports in related European research projects such as SESAR.
Duration of the project: 1/10/2013 - 30/3/2016
Co-funded under Framework Programme 7
PROSPERO is a European Commission FP7 project which aims at developing, implementing and evaluating a prototype management system for identifying and actively managing systemic risks in air transport. PROSPERO delivers a common operational concept of performance indicators linked to operational objectives, an operational systems analysis methodology, a new taxonomy to encompass all aviation socio-technical system concepts, a generic risk management system process involving all stakeholders, and a software system to support the socio-technical analysis and redesign of the air traffic systems (ATS).
Duration of the project: 1/11/2012 - 31/10/2015
Co-funded under Framework Programme 7
TASS is a European Commission FP7 project which aims at creating an entire airport security intelligence solution, providing real-time accurate situational awareness to airport authorities. The TASS concept is based on integrating and fusing different types of selected sensors and subsystems for real-time data collection in a variety of operating modes, including fixed and mobile, all suitable for operation under any environmental conditions.
Duration of the project: 1/4/2010 - 31/3/2014
Co-funded under Framework Programme 7
L4S is a European Commission FP7 project which aims at providing a clear understanding and further developing existing know-how, both in interdisciplinary scientific / academic models and in best / worst practices and experiences in the transport sector. The project focuses on the factors that inhibit the dynamics of effective collaboration in crises and lead to the failure of crisis management and the interventions required to reduce these risks.
Duration of the project: 1/7/2009 - 31/7/2011
More Info: Learning 4 Security | L4S | Project | Fact sheet | FP7 | CORDIS | European Commission (europa.eu)
Co-funded under Framework Programme 7
ASSET is a European Commission FP7 project which aims at developing and assessing solutions to improve airport processes in terms of time efficiency, both regarding passenger-related process and the aircraft handling process from the moment of landing to the moment of take-off, in an integrated approach. Therefore, representatives of nearly all directly or indirectly involved stakeholders (airports, airlines, aircraft manufacturers, technology solution providers, security service providers etc.) gathered to work conjointly on this project.
Duration of the project: 1/6/2008 - 11/11/2011
Co-funded under Framework Programme 7
SMS is a European Commission FP6 project which aims at creating innovative tools enabling a new class of services, addressing specific needs of mobile device users and enabling individuals and small businesses to become service providers. To replicate the success of the World Wide Web, mobile services must be simple to find, easy to use, reliable and simple to set up. These are the design goals for SMS. Like the Web, SMS provides technology and operator-independent end-to-end connectivity. However, unlike conventional Web-based services, SMS targets specific sites visited by specific classes of mobile users with specific needs.
Duration of the project: 1/6/2006 - 30/11/2008
Co-funded under Framework Programme 6
ASK-IT is a European Commission FP7 project which aims at establishing Ambient Intelligence (Ami) in semantic web-enabled services to support and promote the mobility of individuals with reduced mobility, enabling the provision of personalised, self-configurable, easy-to-use and contextually-relevant applications and services, and facilitating the organisation and processing of knowledge and content.
Duration of the project: 1/10/2004 - 30/9/2008
Co-funded under Framework Programme 7
ASP-NET is a European Commission FP5 project which aims at developing an ASP network, which provides sophisticated resources and services for applications that have become critical to the successful operation of today's organisations. The integration platform constitutes the operational and management infrastructure that enables the integration and interoperability of separate web applications. This is achieved through the extensive use of XML-based standards and adoption of the Web services concept to develop Product Services Systems (PSS).
Duration of the project: 1/10/2004 - 30/9/2008
Co-funded under Framework Programme 5
POMPEI is a European Commission FP6 project which aims at developing an integrated architecture and a set of mobile applications for advanced services to support mobile security teams and emergency response workers in crisis management and emergency response. The system uses advanced techniques in peer-to-peer workflow management, integrated with location and presence services, operating transparently over a wide enough area and local wireless networks, to enable resilient communications across infrastructure.
Duration of the project: 1/9/2004 - 28/2/2007
Co-funded under Framework Programme 6
ADAMANT is a European Commission FP5 project which aims at providing a wireless-based intelligent communication and decision support system for transport and travellers. The approach is generic and covers any mode of transport (e.g. rail, road and air), although within the project, it is limited to airports. The system is able to adequately handle and operate in emergency or crisis situations.
Duration of the project: 1/3/2002 - 29/2/2004
Co-funded under Framework Programme 5
IM@GINE IT is a European Commission FP5 project which aims at developing a single access point through which the end -user can obtain location-based information on intermodal transport modes (static and dynamic), mapping and routing, navigation and other related services everywhere in Europe, at any time, taking into account the personal preferences of the user. Thus, IM@GINE IT aims at facilitating seamless travel in Europe and providing a universal platform, covering urban, interurban and crossborder areas.
Duration of the project: 1/9/2001 - 31/8/2003
Co-funded under Framework Programme 5