
Baggage services

Find comprehensive information on baggage services, storage options, and baggage assistance.
Suitcase wrapped in protective plastic

Baggage & porter services

CARE4BAG Baggage Storage

Provides safe storage and baggage wrapping services, including boxes, sporting items and any other baggage that the airlines accept. At this location, you will also find accessories such as baggage locks and name tags for your personal information.

Operating hours
Daily on a 24 hour basis - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

CARE4BAG Baggage wrapping points

CARE4BAG Baggage wrapping points. Ensure the security and protection of your baggage with the wrapping service. This service provides a durable plastic covering to safeguard your belongings during travel, and also baggage weighing before your trip.

Operating hours
Daily on a 24 hour basis - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Daily 07:00 - 15:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Daily 06:00 - 22:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Facility Experts

Individual porter services are available on 24hours basis, to assist passengers with the conveyance of their baggage at Athens airport.

Contact Details

  • (+30) 2103536576  (Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00)
  • (+30) 210 3530100 (24hrs)
  • Email: [email protected]


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