"People and traditional professions in the Aegean"
June - September 2006
The exhibition, which is part of the Foundation’s work in the preservation and dissemination of our cultural heritage, provides a new perspective of the Aegean culture, a perspective that penetrates the everyday life of the people without being “museum-like” or resembling a tourist campaign.
In the Aegean’s area, through the exploitation of local raw materials and the gradual improvement of technical skills, people developed various small industries and other professional activities. These were created not rapidly but based on repetition, habit... Through the photographs of the exhibition, a variety of forgotten, traditional professions and activities that are on the verge of extinction are presented, touching and moving the spectator, and bringing to light beautiful images of Greece that are starting to faint.
In the exhibition 6 0 photographs are welcoming passengers and visitors at Airport’s Arrivals level, area “A”, extra Schengen - area accessible to all visitors and is on display 24 hours a day.
The photographs and the texts of the exhibition have already been published in the book under the same title, which is based on the research by Katerina Korre-Zografou, Professor of Folklore in the University of Athens (volumes I & II) and Evdokia Olympitou, Assistant Professor in the Ionian University (volume I). Photographers and collectors have granted their material, particularly the Photographic Archive of the Benaki Museum.
More photos can be found in http://www.ime.gr/aigaio