The Journey : 5 Viewpoints
In the framework of the thematic cycle "The Journey", which was launched with the work of Jenny Marketou,’s “Stolen Bubbles”, the new exhibition at the airport premises present video-works of five contemporary known Greek artists, titled "The journey: 5 viewpoints."
In the work by Fotini Gouseti a desirable but impossible journey is commented. The dominant characteristic of the work by Lina Theodorou “Cul-de-sac”, is the individual’s entrapments in a mental impasse, through the traveller, who finds himself trapped in a timeless … place. Angelos Spartalis presents a 15 minutes version prepared especially for the airport, from the first Greek animation feature film titled “From the Earth to the Moon" by making a humorous yet sharp critique.
In the same exhibition there are two more works that are inspired by the airport: Yiannis Grigoriadis created the work “Deus ex machina”, a digital collage of processed archive footage from the arrival of VIPs at the Hellenikon airport in the 60s and 70s, while in Erato Hadjisavva’s work the repetitive motif of the birds’ changing movements brings intensely into the space the energy of the mobility that has always characterized physical and intellectual acitivity.
(Editor Artemis Potamianou).